Dr. Carol Greider
Marine biologist Dr. Carol Greider is a Noble Prize winning scientist who, is also
dyslexic. Of her early schooling, Carol is quoted as saying she always thought her
spelling and letter formation were correct - until those grades came back. She tells of
finding her success in hands-on science activities and projects and being driven to find
out the “why?” of what she saw around her.
How Can That Be?
Carol’s Nobel Prize for strides in understanding cancer mutations came out of her
wondering how chromosomes stayed intact. Discoveries in her lab took her down
paths that led to more questions that her curious scientific mind wanted the answers
to. At the end of a long path driven by wondering how that could be, Carol learned
that telormese was involved in cancer.
Follow Your Interests!
Carol’s advice to other dyslexic people is to follow their interests and curiosity.
Dyslexia allowed her to piece together the information out of context and put together
difficult ideas, according to Carol’s own summation of the situation.
The Power of a Dyslexic Mind
Never dismiss or minimize the power of how the dyslexic mind can problem solve in
unique and fresh ways. Nurture your child’s curiosity and help him see the great
discoveries lie at the end of his path!
Want to read more of Dr. Greider's story? Click Here